Bread That Cat

I was snooping around the internet for flash games one rainy afternoon. Flash games are free online games usually made by independent developers. You get a wide variety of games you can play at any second. So I found a game with the weirdest title I have ever heard.
"Bread That Cat"
It was too tempting to resist. I clicked on it. The goal of the game was simple: bread that cat. By clicking you shot a slice of bread. If it hit the cat, the cat's head would so through the bread slice. After beating a level, it showed a picture of some real life cat suffering the same fate as the ones in the game. There was even one that was just a slice of bread with a hole in it that had the caption "Your Cat Here" next to it. I was crying. How could they do this to such poor animals? I NEEDED to file a complaint. So I called my pals at PETA and told them of this rancid game. They agreed to throw red paint at the guy who made this atrocious game. If you have ANY information on who made it, please call 1-800-THIS-NUMBER-ISN'T-REAL.
And here is the link... play if you dare.